Tuesday 11 January 2011

Barefoot versus shod??

Actually this is quite the opposite to what I am about!!!
There is too much energy placed by both 'camps' arguing their cases for or against shoing horses.  They both fail to ask the most basic question; 'is this horses foot or hoof healthy and WHY?'  Then the question of whether they are justified in their actions can be answered! The barefoot movement is huge but sometimes it moves with too much compassion and not enough disicipline.  Meaning that whilst the reason for wanting to go barefoot is commendable however, it is sometimes done by owners who dont realise the consequencies of their actions, and dare I say it can cause harm by their well meaning actions.  There are also barefoot trimmers who are doing the same.  It all boils down to one thing...lack of understanding of true foot function!

Conventional veterinary sciences and the farrier trades lack understanding of true foot function when compared to the science of applied equine podiatry.  In fact, in the US the farrier industry has approached the founder of the science of AEP (KC LaPierre) in the hope that he will provide them with a model (which the science of AEP has had for over 10 years and is published and promoted for all to see!)  The answer...learn TRUE FOOT FUNCTION AND HOOF CARE yourself through courses run by the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry (http://www.appliedequinepodiatry.org/) and take more responsibility for your horses feet...dont just go with everything your vet says...question everything including what is said here! Progress needs to be made as currently the life of the average domestic horse if far from as good as it could be and this is because of the choices we make for them.  It is easy to blame the vet, the farrier or other professionals when things go wrong but we have to blame ourselves, then learn and move on!  The science is here folks to finally make a difference!!!.....AEP and whole horse health care!

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